History Honors Application

History Honors Application

The Department of History offers a honors program for students who wish to research and write a thesis during the course of their senior year. 

Requirements to apply include: HIST 4000 Introduction to Historical Research, a history GPA of 3.5 or above, and a thesis advisor. Before filling out this application, please review the honors information packet, and talk with a Thesis Advisor. 

Applications are accepted on the 15th of May in your Junior year. Enrollment in HIST 4001 Honors Guidance will happen after your application has been reviewed and approved.


Please indicate the semester you took HIST 4000 Introduction to Historical Research.
Semester and year of graduation
Please also ask your advisor to send an email approving this status to [email protected]
What was your cumulative GPA at the end of the last semester completed?
What was your average GPA in the History Major at the end of the last semester completed?
Please provide the course number, title, semester, and grade for all Cornell History courses taken for the history major.
Please provide the course number, title, semester, and grade for any other courses taken for the history major (transfer credits).
Please provide a brief statement of your major interests in History.

Supplemental Documents

Please upload a transcript and writing sample using the Box upload link below. If you do not have a copy of your transcript, you can request that one be emailed to [email protected] through the Registrar's Office. 

Be sure the files you upload contain your full name and "transcript" and "writing sample" in the filename.

Upload documents here.

Advisor Approval

ATTENTION  Your acceptance into History's Honors requires the approval of your thesis advisor. Before you submit this application, please request that your thesis advisor email their approval to [email protected].

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